

AI: Integrating the 'Smart' in Smart Lighting Solutions

Dec 2022

Artificial Intelligence is impacting our lives in numerous ways and can alter how we live and work.

In the realm of AI and IoT, smart lighting is enhancing in many ways. Today many residential and commercial buildings are adopting smart technologies to increase efficiency levels.

Leaving the lights turned on accidentally for extended hours can cause financial and environmental effects. And it is one of the common issues we all encounter every day- leaving the lights turned on!

Integrating AI and IoT can be a remedy to create convenient and sustainable illumination. Municipalities and various industries can improve the structural efficiency and quality of their life by adopting advanced technologies.

The Need for Integrating AI Into Lighting

Today the number of eco consumers is steadily increasing, and they are looking for high-efficiency electrical products to shrink carbon footprints. Moreover, these consumers search for convenient products to minimize stress and maximize comfort. Switching to smart means can improve energy efficiency and applies to municipalities.

Integrating autonomous sensors and motion detection sensors can prevent unnecessary electricity absorption. Thus, reducing energy wastage over time.
Minimizing the light's energy output can minimize greenhouse emissions and bulb burnout. Thus, reducing bulb waste can help to free up landfill space and prevent toxic runoff.

Thus, integrating AI in lighting can offer numerous benefits; it allows the residents to control the lighting using smartphones and through voice activation systems.
The integration of smart lighting brings about exceptional experiences for the users.

Let us go on to see the most recognizable and distinct advantages of smart lighting.

Flexible Control Through Smart Lighting

We all wish to have a preference for brighter or warmer light at certain times. But manually setting the light accordingly can be a hassle and is not possible every time. Smart lighting can solve this issue and bring these preferred lighting preferences to life in your home.

AI-enabled lighting solutions can bring an advanced way of controlling lighting to your preference with little to no effort. These can be easily controlled using smart devices, remotes, or even with the ease of your voice; these solutions can control the lighting in the way you want to.

Thus, your lighting preferences can bring about a unique lifestyle with a lighting system that can be modified as your mood or activity changes.

Energy Efficiency

Smart lighting can increase energy efficiency while decreasing energy costs. Using smart lighting, needs can be managed automatically.

You often realize one or two lights are ON when you are back home from shopping or a vacation; with smart lighting, you no longer need to worry about this issue. Smart lighting can control all your lighting needs through your smart device, no matter where you are. Thus, you can ensure that you are not needlessly wasting any energy.

Reduced Human Intervention

AI-powered devices can operate while requiring only less to no direct human supervision. Smart lighting solutions can reduce energy consumption and wastage.

For instance, smart lighting can be set in a way to respond to the sun's location changes throughout the day. It is made possible through proper synchronization with respect to the illumination received from the sun and then adjusting the lighting requirements.

Final Thoughts

Automation and control of building lighting will be made possible by AI. Additionally, AI will help society progress in a positive direction to save money, reduce energy consumption and waste, improve service quality, and raise customer satisfaction due to additional developments in lighting control.